Tax Administration

Q&A With Jim Bearden
Get a glimpse into the mind of a man built to lead—the right way

Jim Bearden is a former Marine officer and an expert on accountability in leadership—and he’ll be at TEI’s 79th Annual Conference this fall. There, Bearden will engage with attendees in a keynote address and a breakout session to help them develop better, culture-focused leadership habits. In lieu of the Roundtable… Read more »


TEI Roundtable No. 44: Leadership Development and Succession Planning
One critical factor is finding high-potential candidates on the team

As we’ve learned from the fabulous TV series Succession, leadership development and succession planning can often get a little, shall we say, dicey. Fortunately, in the tax realm, it doesn’t get quite as chaotic as in the Roy family. To find out more about best practices in our profession, we… Read more »


TEI Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Survey Results
Uncovering root challenges in recruiting and retaining talent

The many benefits of a diverse and inclusive workplace include increased revenue, improved employee engagement, and more innovation. Despite the great strides that have been made in driving awareness of the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace, much work still needs to be done within the… Read more »


Intangible Asset Valuation for Tax Purposes Under Fair Market Value and Arm’s-Length Standards
Some differences between the two approaches

Business transactions such as mergers, acquisitions, and business reorganizations often require valuations of intangible assets. Applying different standards may result in different valuations for the same intangible asset. It is therefore important to identify the appropriate valuation standard before attempting any valuation of an intangible asset. Significant differences may arise… Read more »


Embracing ESG: Four Ways Tax Departments Can Add Value
Leaving tax departments out of the discussion is unfortunate—and often costly

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations command a continually growing share of attention in organizations of all types as various stakeholder groups sharpen their focus on sustainability, equity, and accountability. Today more and more investors, consumers, and employees make decisions based on an organization’s ESG strategy, policies, and actions. As… Read more »


TEI Roundtable No. 41: Tax Insurance: An Agent of Change
It’s on the front burner these days

The tax insurance market is rapidly evolving and its benefits are becoming more widespread, especially in the area of mergers and acquisitions. To find out more about what’s happening in this space, we convened a roundtable comprising four knowledgeable professionals who gave us the real skinny on tax insurance: Jordan… Read more »


Managing Corporate Foundation Risk
What role do in-house tax professionals play in advancing charitable objectives?

Causes worthy of support are plentiful, and new ones seem to appear daily. How a company responds to societal needs is more important than ever. More than 2,800 corporate foundations are estimated to exist in the United States.1 Many companies are moving away from traditional or responsive models of philanthropy… Read more »


Agents of Chaos: How Tax Leaders Are Adapting to Global Disruptions
Here are five ways tax groups can help senior leadership respond to uncertain times

This is not your parents’ inflation, but it will have wide-ranging implications for tax departments. Previous corporate playbooks for responding to external disruptions cannot begin to address the unique challenges posed by the current global economic decline following three consecutive shocks, ongoing trade wars, geopolitical unrest, and supply chain snarls.… Read more »


Are There Any Tax Incentives Left for the Energy Industry?
Let’s face it—multiple challenges confront the industry

The US energy industry has faced many challenges in its history, from boom-and-bust oil prices to pressures from overseas oil producers to domestic government regulations. Today the industry continues to confront its share of challenges, including pressures to transition from fossil fuels to alternative renewable energy sources such as wind,… Read more »


Obtaining IRS Refunds: Procedures and Strategies
It’s rarely as simple as you think

Uncertainty in tax law is reaching unprecedented levels. In the past four years, taxpayers have managed dramatic tax reform, pandemic-fueled emergency tax legislation, rafts of new Treasury Regulations (and accompanying challenges to some regulations), and increased aggressiveness by certain tax authorities. Tax departments now must be nimbler than ever as… Read more »