TEI Roundtable No. 9: Six Past TEI Presidents From Canada Share Their Stories
Spanning Four Decades, There’s a Lot to Learn From These Former Head Honchos
In this special issue focused on Canada, it seemed only appropriate that the Roundtable we convened also reflect a Canadian bent. To that end, we invited the six living TEI presidents from Canada to discuss their tenures at the helm of the organization, including Vincent Alicandri (2008–09), David Burn (1986–87),…
TEI Roundtable No. 8: Tax Talent in Transition
How to plan your next steps in the face of M&As, spinoffs, bankruptcies, outsourcing, and changing demographics
The days when a young tax professional at a corporation worked his or her way up the ladder and stayed with the same company for an entire career are falling by the wayside. True, those days are not disappearing entirely, but most tax professionals move among several different opportunities at…
TEI Roundtable No. 5: Corporate Structure and the Evolving Tax Function
As the Tax Role Elevates in Importance, So Does Status in Corporate Hierarchy
Let’s tell it like it is. The role of the corporate tax practitioner has changed dramatically in the last twenty years as the tax function has expanded in scope and responsibility. Not surprisingly, the status of the head of corporate tax has changed as well, and now more chief tax…
TEI Roundtable No. 4:
Insourcing vs. Outsourcing
Corporate tax practice is becoming more complicated, and the expectations placed on TEI members more demanding. So it’s not surprising that more corporate tax practices are considering or already outsourcing more tax functions. How do you make the decision to outsource, and what are the challenges facing those companies that…
TEI Roundtable No. 2:
Flexible Work Arrangements Provide New Choices for Tax Professionals
Flexible work arrangements have been around for several decades now but—with the Internet and laptops and the rise of millennials—have become more prevalent for many professionals, including tax executives. For our second TEI Roundtable, we convened a conference call in January 2015 moderated by Tax Executive Senior Editor Michael Levin-Epstein…
TEI Roundtable No. 1
The Wynne Case
In November 2014, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral argument in Maryland State Comptroller of the Treasury v. Brian Wynne, et ux. The case involved a particular provision of a Maryland tax statute, which, according to the plaintiff, violated the dormant interstate Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution and potentially…
Tax’s Role in Tech Transformation As tax experiences its own transformation with technology, companies are…
Key Challenges and Opportunities for Tax Directors in a Tightening Economy Navigating a tightening economic cycle—characterized by prolonged high interest rates…
State and Local Tax Implications for a Remote Workforce State and local tax issues related to remote workforces have…
TEI Roundtable No. 48: AI Implementation in Today’s Tax Landscape As artificial intelligence (AI) gains traction throughout the business world,…
Passing the Torch, TEI Proud It’s amazing how quickly a year, this past year, has…
Meeting Pillar Two Calls for Tax Transformation and Single-Solution Efficiencies A wait-and-see attitude characterizes this year’s global tax landscape, with…