TEI’s Detroit Chapter presented Kathy Castillo the Chapter Meritorious Service Award. Chris Tressler, Detroit Chapter representative, and Teri Hull, Region 5 vice president, presented the award to Castillo and spoke to attendees about her many contributions. Castillo has held key roles in the Detroit Chapter and at the Institute level. She held each of the Detroit Chapter officer roles, including serving as chapter president for the 2010–2011 and 2018–2019 fiscal years. Castillo also served two three-year terms as the Detroit Chapter representative to the TEI board of directors from 2011 to 2017. At the Institute level, she has also been very involved, serving as vice chair and chair of the Federal Tax Committee, as Region 5 vice president in 2015–2016, and on the Executive Committee in 2017–2018. What’s more, for many years she has coordinated and moderated TEI’s Federal Tax Course – Level 1.