On September 1, TEI officially opened an office in Shanghai, China, further solidifying its footing as the preeminent global association of in-house tax executives.
TEI first established its presence in Asia in 2005 when it chartered a chapter based in Singapore. Over the ensuing fourteen years, the Institute’s profile in the region has grown steadily due to stalwart chapter leadership, superior educational programming and networking events, and the development of relationships with tax and development authorities in mainland China, Singapore, and Hong Kong.
New regulatory restrictions in China, effective January 1, 2017, provided an opportunity for TEI to pause and undertake a strategic review of its activities in the Asia-Pacific region. TEI engaged Baker McKenzie to advise on how to effectively navigate the new regulatory landscape, and the Institute called upon its executive committee, board, and staff to evaluate structural alternatives that would allow TEI to operate legally and grow in China and for TEI members throughout Asia to continue their vibrant educational and networking programs. After significant due diligence and consultation, TEI embarked on the formation of a for-profit entity in China (a wholly foreign-owned enterprise, or WFOE) to run its publications, conference, and training activities. September 1 marked the formal opening of TEI’s WFOE, and we are now well positioned to accelerate our growth in mainland China and throughout the entire Asia-Pacific region. Marking a significant milestone for TEI’s growth around the world, the Shanghai office is the first TEI office established outside the United States since the Institute’s founding in 1944.
2017年1月1日起在中国大陆执行的监管制度使得TEI暂停亚太地区的活动,同时也为TEI对其在亚太地区的活动进行战略审查提供了机会。TEI聘请Baker McKenzie就如何有效应对新的监管环境提出建议。同时呼吁TEI执行委员会,董事会和员工评估架构替代方案,以便TEI在中国合法经营和发展,并确保整个亚洲地区的TEI成员能继续开展富有活力的教育及网络活动。经过重大尽职调查和协商,TEI开始在中国成立一个营利性实体(即“外商独资企业”),以便TEI在中国开展其出版,会议和培训活动。 2019年9月1日,标志着TEI的外商独资企业正式开业,我们已经做好准备在中国大陆乃至整个亚太地区实现加速增长。中国办公室的设立是一个非常重要的步骤。事实上,中国办公室是TEI自1944年成立以来在美国以外建立的第一个办公室,这也是TEI在全球发展的重要里程碑。
TEI’s China office will be led by our new full-time staff member, Wu Dongming. Wu, who also goes by Tommy, is a seasoned practitioner with nearly thirty years of professional taxation experience. He graduated from the prestigious Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, majoring in taxation, and continued his education to earn an MBA. Wu’s career includes more than ten years of experience in the Shanghai Municipal Taxation Bureau and nearly twenty years of experience in both China state-owned listed companies and large multinational companies, including Carrefour and, most recently, IBM.
TEI的中国办公室将由新入职的全职员工吴东明先生领导。 吴先生是一位经验丰富的税务从业者,拥有近30年的专业税务经验。 他毕业于著名的上海财经大学,主修税务专业,并接受继续教育获得MBA学位。 吴先生的职业生涯包括在上海市税务局工作超过10年,在中国国有上市公司和大型跨国企业(包括家乐福,最近还有IBM)工作近20年。
Wu has been a longstanding TEI member and had held several leadership positions in the Asia Chapter, including Asia Chapter board member and China vice president. He has also held leadership positions in a variety of other Chinese trade associations and, through this work, made important contributions to fiscal and tax reforms in China. He currently serves as co-chairman of the prestigious CCFA finance and taxation forum and is actively involved in the Enterprise Tax Directors Association, in which he currently serves as president of the East China Branch.
Wu has established himself as an authority on international taxation matters in China, particularly in the field of advance tax rulings. He has published numerous articles in professional tax journals as well as a treatise, “Overview of the Overseas Advance Tax Ruling System,” that analyzes advance tax ruling procedures in twenty-one countries and regions.
吴先生是中国国际税务事务的权威专家,特别是在税收事先裁定领域。 他在专业税务期刊上发表了大量文章,并著书《境外税收事先裁定制度概览》,分析了21个国家和地区的税收事先裁定程序。
He also holds a variety of other tax-related social positions, including master’s tutor at the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, deputy director of the China Big Company Taxation Research Institute, postgraduate tutor at Jilin University of Finance and Economics, and chief researcher at the China Taxation Research Center. TEI is fortunate to have a professional of Wu’s stature leading our China office.
吴先生还同时担任多个税务相关的社会职务,包括上海财经大学硕士生导师,中国大企业税务研究所副所长,吉林财经大学研究生导师,神州税道税务研究中心首席研究员。 TEI感到十分有幸能由吴先生带领中国办公室。
Under Wu’s leadership, TEI’s China office will chart an ambitious course for expanding TEI’s presence in China and throughout the Asia-Pacific region. His activities will roughly track the new development path of the TEI Asia Chapter’s “Go-4-TEI” initiative, specifically:
在吴先生的领导下,TEI的中国办公室将推出一系列课程,以扩大TEI在中国以及整个亚太地区的业务。 TEI中国办公室的活动目标基本按照TEI亚洲分会“Go-4-TEI”倡议的新发展道路:
- Go College – conducting networking and tax educational events at universities to introduce future tax professionals to TEI and its members;
走入校园 – 在大学校园开展网络和税务教育活动,借此向TEI及其成员引荐未来的税务专业人员; - Go Young – conducting networking and tax educational events targeting recently graduated professionals with working experience ranging from five to eight years;
走近青年 – 针对毕业后5-8年工作经验的税务专业人士开展网络和税务教育活动; - Go International – leveraging TEI’s status as a global organization to offer international networking and educational opportunities to established China-based professionals who may not have access to such opportunities; and
走向国际 – 利用TEI全球组织的地位,为中国税务专业人士提供国际化的网络和教育机会;以及 - Go Loud – showcasing TEI’s experience and authoritative voice to the local tax community and government officials to build the organization’s reputation in China as the preeminent global association of in-house tax practitioners.
走出影响 – 向当地税务机关和政府官员展示TEI在企业税务事务方面丰富经验以及权威声音,以在中国建立TEI作为卓越的全球企业税务从业者协会的声誉。
Notable events being considered for the remainder of 2019 include:
- Shanghai office inauguration and reception;
上海办公室的就职典礼及招待会; - a half-day lunch seminar in Beijing or Shanghai;
北京或上海的半日午餐研讨会; - the 7th Annual China International Tax Forum being planned for December 10–11 in conjunction with PwC;
计划于12月10日至11日与PWC合作举办第七届中国国际税务论坛; - a networking and sharing event with the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics; and
与上海财经大学合作举办活动; - a series of networking events with Asia Chapter leadership in Singapore, Hong Kong, mainland China, and South Korea to discuss their regional goals and objectives.
Looking beyond 2019, notable activities Wu expects to pursue include development and implementation of:
- a social media plan for localizing TEI to various markets within the Asia-Pacific region;
在亚太地区各市场开展TEI本土化的社交媒体计划; - a three-year strategic and tactical footprint for East Asia (China, South Korea, Japan);
北亚地区(中国,韩国,日本)的三年战略和战术足迹; - a five-year plan to increase TEI’s overall presence in South and Southeast Asia (India, Vietnam, Thailand); and
南亚地区(印度,越南,泰国)的五年计划,旨在提升TEI在南亚地区的整体影响力; - cooperative relationships and exchanges with local tax authorities in mainland China and throughout Asia.
As a new TEI initiative, the China office has set sail, and its development will be inseparable from the support and help of all TEI members. Wu looks forward to seeing you at the China office during your next visit to Shanghai.
作为TEI的一项新举措,中国办事处已经杨帆启航,其发展将与TEI全体成员的支持和帮助密不可分。 吴先生期待在您下次访问中国办公室期间在与您在上海会面。